Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Finally Starting a Fishing Blog

My dad taught me how to fish pretty much as soon as I could hold a fishing rod. He is an amazing fisherman, with knowledge that you can't find in books and patience that I truly envy. I'm 26 now and that would mean I've been fishing for approximately 20 years or just about. With all the advancements in fishing technology these days, many people believe that most of the "old school" fishing techniques and styles are fading away, and yet til this day, I still learn something from my dad whenever we go fishing together.

Picture of my Dad many years ago.

I'm more of a freshwater fisherman, though I was brought up fishing and diving in open waters with my dad. I've caught all sorts of open water fish like marlin, wahoo, sharks, huge grouper, mega GT's, huge tuna and the list goes on, but of all the fishes I have hauled up on a boat, none of them give me the same thrill as landing fishes in a river/lake/pond. I can't explain it really, to me, it just feels different. In the sea, you are at the mercy of the waves and the wind, its salty, sunny, at times dangerous, boating around staring at fish finders and trawling and anchoring off huge rocks etc, overall it is all just very "noisy". By a river on the other hand, it is quiet, peaceful, serene, calm... and then BAM! A fish hits, your reel screams and it gets totally crazy for awhile, then back to quiet calmness. Might not make sense to some but well, that's what it is for me I guess.

Anyway, just over 3.5 years ago, I met Celeste(left), my girlfriend, and in the recent few months, to my joy(and relief haha), she has taken a strong liking to fishing as well. I have been teaching her what I've learned over the years and slowly but surely, she's learning everything a step at a time. And we've been having a blast along the way! So I decided to start a blog, not just to share our fishing adventures, but also to share my comments, reviews and whatsoever about fishing in general.

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